Greetings 🖐️
Today is a small update with a few things we're working on and what we've added to the forums.
- Forum Stats: added our forum stats to the left side-bar and at the top of the page on mobile devices.
- Drafts: Now save every 8 seconds, your posts will automatically save to your drafts.
- Ask A Question: button has been added for primary tagHelp and secondary tagsESCWiringMotorGyroBodyBattery which means you guys can help suggest the Best Answer based on likes. If a reply or a post receives x amount of likes, it will be automatically labelled as the Best Answer. Please don't abuse this feature… haha
- Social Share: You can now share discussions directly to chat and social platforms by clicking the Share button at the top right of posts or tapping the share button at the top of the discussion on mobile devices.
Work In Progress
- Private Message / Direct Messages between users and groups. Allowing for private or mass discussions in real-time between the community.
- Error Stats 500: If you see this come up while browsing the forums, don't be alarmed. A refresh after a minute or two and the forums will be back online. We're working on fixing this issue.
Thank you so much for being here and participating in enriching our community,
Until next time.